介绍韩国人礼仪文化的英文作文 上海韩国文化院

作者:霜光济 时间:2024-09-17 04:07 阅读数:18148

介绍韩国人的礼仪文化英文作文如下:1. Meeting etiquette: Korean people mainly bow when meeting, and the angle of bow is slightly different according to the age and seniority of the other party.

2. Regarding address, in social activities, you can address each other as Mr., Mrs., Mrs., Ms., Miss, etc. People with status can be addressed as "Sir", "Your Excellency" and so on, and can also be added with job title, academic title, military rank and so on.

3. Eating etiquette, Koreans advocate Confucianism and especially respect elders. When the elderly enter the house, everyone should stand up. When eating, they should first serve food for the elderly or elders. After the elderly or elders move chopsticks, other people can start eating.

介绍韩国人礼仪文化的英文作文 扩展

Korean traditional etiquette when meeting a bow. Mutual exchange information card, look carefully and then close up. When having a meal can not sound, are not allowed to carry the bowl to eat, should put the bowl on the left, on the right side of the bowl of soup. If a friend invites you to his home, not to wear shoes in their home, so don't wear socks to visit relatives and friends will be considered impolite. If you are invited to dinner, with a small gift would bebetter. Also, don't speak loudly in the subway.

介绍韩国人礼仪文化的英文作文 扩展

At first,taste soup or kimchi juice,and then try rice or other dishes.Use spoon for rice and liquid foods,such as stews or soups; use chopsticks for other foods.Do not make noises with spoon or chopst..

.At first,taste soup or kimchi juice,and then try rice or other dishes.Use spoon for rice and liquid foods,such as stews or soups; use chopsticks for other foods.Do not make noises with spoon or chopst...


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