歌曲中有beautifulgirl,是个黑人男孩唱的 beautifulgirldj

作者:真男 时间:2024-09-19 09:07 阅读数:13163

  beautiful girls   You're way too beautiful girl   That's why it'll never work   You'll have me suicidal, suicidal   When you say it's over   Damn all these beautiful girls   They only wanna do your dirt   They'll have you suicidal, suicidal   When they say it's over   See it started at the park   Used to chill at the dark   Oh when you took my heart   That's when we fell apart   Coz we both thought   That love lasts forever (lasts forever)   They say we're too young   To get ourselves sprung   Oh we didn't care   We made it very clear   And they also said   That we couldn't last together (last together)   See it's very define, girl   One of a kind   But you mush up my mind   You walk to get declined   Oh Lord...   My baby is driving me crazy   You're way too beautiful girl   That's why it'll never work   You'll have me suicidal, suicidal   When you say it's over   Damn all these beautiful girls   They only wanna do your dirt   They'll have you suicidal, suicidal   When they say it's over   It was back in '99   Watchin' movies all the time   Oh when I went away   For doin' my first crime   And I never thought   That we was gonna see each other (see each other)   And then I came out   Mami moved me down South   Oh I'm with my girl   Who I thought was my world   It came out to be   That she wasn't the girl for me (girl for me)   See it's very define, girl   One of a kind   But you mush up my mind   You walk to get declined   Oh Lord...   My baby is driving me crazy   You're way too beautiful girl   That's why it'll never work   You'll have me suicidal, suicidal   When you say it's over   Damn all these beautiful girls   They only wanna do your dirt   They'll have you suicidal, suicidal   When they say it's over   Now we're fussin'   And now we're fightin'   Please tell me why   I'm feelin' slightin'   And I don't know   How to make it better (make it better)   You're datin' other guys   You're tellin' me lies   Oh I can't believe   What I'm seein' with my eyes   I'm losin' my mind   And I don't think it's clever (think it's clever)   You're way too beautiful girl   That's why it'll never work   You'll have me suicidal, suicidal, suicidal...  编辑本段演唱  肖恩·金斯顿   姓名:Sean Kingston   性别:男   中文名:肖恩.金斯顿 肖恩 金斯顿  出生日期:1990年2月3日   出生地:牙买加首都金斯敦   血型:A型   肤色:黑色   身高:188cm(6英尺2英寸)   精通乐器:吉他 钢琴   宗教:基督教 语言:英语 帕托阿语(Patois)   声线:略带沙哑 浑厚有力   圈中好友:Justin Bieber、Jasmine V IYAZ   Sean Kingston出生在牙买加首都金斯敦(Kingston),6岁开始在迈阿密长大。尽管他的祖父是牙买加传奇音乐制作人Jack Ruby。Sean还是一度沦落到当母亲和姐姐双双入狱的时候,无家可归只能窝在破车里。而Sean优秀的音乐天赋并没有因为生活的艰辛而被埋没,凭借出色的掌控节奏和旋律的才能,Sean Kingston在十几岁的年纪就混迹迈阿密的演出圈,参加各种才艺比赛,曾经和Ludacris,Pitbull这样的大牌同台演出。


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