三年级下册英语第三单元小故事 三年级下册第八单元作文

作者:嬴若菱 时间:2024-09-19 08:58 阅读数:13910


The Day at the Zoo

One sunny day, Tom and his friend Jerry went to the zoo. They were very excited to see all the animals.

First, they saw the elephants. The elephants were big and strong. Tom said, "Look at their big ears and long noses!" Jerry agreed and pointed to the elephants' big feet.

Then, they went to see the monkeys. The monkeys were jumping and playing in the trees. Jerry laughed and said, "They look so funny!" Tom watched the monkeys carefully and noticed how they used their tails to swing from branch to branch.

After that, they visited the pandas. The pandas were eating bamboo and looked very peaceful. Tom said, "Pandas are so cute!" Jerry nodded and took a photo of the pandas with his camera.

Finally, they saw the lions. The lions were lying in the sun and looked very lazy. Jerry whispered, "I'm glad they're not angry today!" Tom giggled and they both carefully walked away from the lion enclosure.

Before they left the zoo, they bought some souvenirs from the gift shop. Tom got a stuffed elephant and Jerry got a monkey keyring. They were both happy with their purchases.

As they walked home, Tom said, "Today was a great day at the zoo!" Jerry agreed and they both smiled, thinking about all the fun they had had.



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